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Cultural and Disability Competency Policy

At Webbased AI, we are committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment that honours the diverse cultural backgrounds and abilities of our clients, employees, and partners. We recognise the importance of cultural competency, the need to address the unique challenges faced by individuals with disabilities, and the significance of Māori data sovereignty.

Cultural Competency: We understand that cultural identity plays a crucial role in how individuals and communities interact with technology. Our approach involves actively listening, learning, and integrating the cultural values, traditions, and practices of our clients into our AI solutions. By tailoring our services to meet the specific cultural needs of our clients, we ensure that our technology is not only effective but also culturally relevant and respectful.

Disability Competency: Webbased AI is dedicated to creating accessible and empowering AI solutions for individuals with disabilities. We work closely with disability communities to understand their needs and remove barriers that may hinder their full participation in the digital world. Our AI solutions are designed to be inclusive, providing equal opportunities for all users, regardless of their abilities.

Māori Data Sovereignty: We acknowledge the importance of Māori data sovereignty, recognising that Māori data is a taonga (treasure) that must be protected and managed in accordance with tikanga (Māori customs) and Māori rights to self-determination. Webbased AI is committed to ensuring that Māori data is stored, accessed, and utilised in ways that respect Māori values, governance, and ownership.

1. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework for cultural and disability competency at Webbased AI. This policy ensures that our services, products, and workplace practices are inclusive, respectful, and accessible to all clients, employees, and partners, particularly those from diverse cultural backgrounds, those with disabilities, and those who hold Māori data sovereignty.

2. Scope This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and partners of Webbased AI. It covers all aspects of our operations, including service delivery, client interactions, product development, and internal practices.

3. Cultural Competency

  • Commitment to Cultural Sensitivity: We are committed to understanding and respecting the cultural values, practices, and traditions of our clients. This includes integrating these aspects into our AI solutions to ensure they are culturally appropriate.
  • Training and Education: All employees will receive ongoing training in cultural competency to enhance their understanding and ability to work effectively with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds.
  • Community Engagement: We actively engage with cultural communities to ensure our services are aligned with their values and needs. Feedback from these communities is integral to our continuous improvement efforts.

4. Disability Competency

  • Accessibility by Design: All AI solutions developed by Webbased AI will adhere to best practices in accessibility, ensuring they are usable by individuals with a range of disabilities.
  • Collaboration with Disability Communities: We will work closely with disability communities to gather insights and feedback that inform our product design and service delivery, ensuring they meet the unique needs of these users.
  • Inclusive Workplace Practices: Webbased AI is committed to providing a work environment that is inclusive and supportive of employees with disabilities. This includes reasonable accommodations and ensuring that all internal processes and tools are accessible.

5. Māori Data Sovereignty

  • Respect for Tikanga and Kaitiakitanga: Webbased AI respects the principles of tikanga and kaitiakitanga (guardianship) in handling Māori data. We commit to engaging with Māori communities to ensure that their data is managed in a way that aligns with their cultural values and governance structures.
  • Data Ownership and Control: We acknowledge that Māori have the right to control and govern their own data. Webbased AI will ensure that Māori data is only used with appropriate consent and under agreements that uphold Māori ownership and sovereignty.
  • Partnership and Collaboration: We will work in partnership with Māori to develop AI solutions that reflect their needs and aspirations. This includes ensuring that any AI solutions involving Māori data are co-designed with Māori stakeholders and are responsive to their feedback and requirements.

6. Implementation and Monitoring

  • Responsibility: The implementation of this policy is the responsibility of all Webbased AI employees, with oversight from the leadership team.
  • Review and Improvement: This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its effectiveness and to incorporate any necessary improvements based on feedback from clients, employees, and community partners.

7. Reporting and Accountability

  • Feedback Mechanisms: We encourage feedback from clients and employees regarding our cultural and disability competency practices. This feedback is vital for our continuous improvement.
  • Accountability: Any breaches of this policy will be addressed promptly, with corrective actions taken to ensure compliance and maintain our commitment to cultural and disability competency, including Māori data sovereignty.

This policy reflects our dedication to creating an inclusive and respectful environment for all, ensuring that our AI solutions are culturally sensitive, accessible, and aligned with the principles of Māori data sovereignty.


If you need to speak to us more to us about this, please talk to our Director Karrina Mountfort on +6421618445

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